Lidl Announces Opening Date for $91M Distribution Center
UNITED KINGDOM - Lidl is bringing new meaning to overnight transformations as it casually dropped the news that a distribution center (DC) opened up over the weekend. The company began operations in Peterborough, England, on August 1 following a hefty $91 million (£70 million) investment. The facility will employ 400 workers with plans to create 50 new jobs by the year’s end.
“As a supermarket, it has been our priority over the past months to ensure that the communities we serve continue to have access to much needed food supplies and essentials,” Lidl GB Chief Operations Officer Matthew Heslop said. “This is very much still our focus, and with the addition of our new Peterborough distribution centre, we are further strengthening our logistics and operations to ensure that we can continue to serve as many customers as possible with quality food at Lidl prices.”
According to the news source CamridgeshireLive, the new DC is planned to serve 48 stores in the area. Spanning the length of over eight football fields, this facility is Lidl’s latest move to further invest in the U.K. through its beloved grocery stores.
The news source also teased that even more expansion is on the horizon with Lidl planning to open DC’s in Luton and Bolton as well as expand facilities in Belvedere and Bridgend. This latest opening confirms Lidl’s previously established strategy to flood Great Britain’s market with 100 new stores in 2021 and 2022.
Will Lidl’s operations Stateside take a similar approach? Stick with us at ANUK as we report.