Mark Munger, Vice President of Sales and Marketing for 4Earth Farms, Talks Organics
LOS ANGELES, CA - 4Earth Farms has been pulling out all the stops to grow its organic brand in recent years and it has no plans of stopping.
I spoke with Mark Munger, Vice President of Sales and Marketing for 4Earth Farms, about the company’s focus on increasing the number of organic products, increasing quality, and providing consistency for retailers.
“Our organic line has been a big focus for growth within the company. Based on feedback and demand from our customers, we’ve been growing and evolving the program by adding additional items for the 4Earth Organics brand and our outside brands as well,” says Munger.
One of the main goals for 4Earth Farms has been to become a “one-stop-shop” supplier of organics.
Munger tells me, “Other companies don’t have a wide variety of supply. It’s both costly and time-consuming for retailers to run all over town to get their supplies.”
The company currently offers over 100 different organic produce items, Munger tells me, and has plans to add even more in the future.
“We are looking to fill supply gaps in the market and become more valuable as a supplier. We ask our clients, ‘What organic items are you struggling to find supplies for,’” he says.
This collaborative approach is something the company prides themselves on, Munger tells me. 4Earth Farms works from a best practices standpoint, combining its clients understanding of the customer base with its own organic product expertise.
When I asked Munger what differentiates 4Earth Farms' organic line from its competitors, he says, “It's the breadth of our line, our reputation for being high quality, and to retailers, it’s our consistency of supply. We’re aggressive marketers; we recognize that you have to have some price competitiveness. Being able to offer an organic item at an equivalent price to a conventional item really increases consumption.”
To learn more about the company’s organic line, visit 4Earth Farms’ booth at next week’s Northern California Fresh Produce & Floral Expo or visit its website at www.4earthfarms.com.