Minneola Tangelos are Available for Bee Sweet Citrus Customers; Joe Berberian and Monique Mueller Comment

Minneola Tangelos are Available for Bee Sweet Citrus Customers; Joe Berberian and Monique Mueller Comment

FOWLER, CA - Minneola Tangelos are in season now, and the Bee Sweet Citrus team reports a strong supply of the specialty citrus variety to welcome the start of spring promotions.

Joe Berberian, Sales Representative, Bee Sweet Citrus

"Minneola Tangelos are one of the many specialty citrus varieties that we offer to our customers, and this season's crop eats well," stated Bee Sweet Citrus Sales Representative Joe Berberian in a recent press release. "The fruit's sugar levels are high, and the variety possesses the perfect blend of sweet, tangy flavor."

Minneola Tangelos are a cross between a grapefruit and a tangerine and are in season now through April. Popular for its pronounced neck and distinct red-orange rind, the variety is excellent for anyone looking for a healthy, versatile snack.

Monique Mueller, Director of Communications, Bee Sweet Citrus

"Minneolas are incredibly unique and shouldn't be overlooked by consumers this season," stated Bee Sweet Citrus Director of Communications Monique Mueller. "Visually, they're easy to tell apart from other citrus varieties, and their distinctive flavor caters to citrus fans who appreciate both sweet and tangy flavors."

Bee Sweet's Minneola Tangelos are available in bag and bulk items, and the company reports that the fruit's sizing complements 2#, 3#, and 5# bags. In addition to Minneolas, Bee Sweet Citrus also has Navel oranges, Heirloom Navels, Cara Cara oranges, Royal Red oranges, mandarins, lemons, Meyer lemons, pummelos and grapefruit available for customers.

Minneola Tangelos are in season now, and the Bee Sweet Citrus team reports a strong supply of the specialty citrus variety to welcome the start of spring promotions

To learn more about Minneola Tangelos, click here. You can also call a sales representative at 559-834-4200 or visit www.beesweetcitrus.com.

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Bee Sweet Citrus

Bee Sweet Citrus was founded in 1987 as an independent packer and shipper of California oranges. As our business grew, we…