Naturipe Farms' Fernando Aguiar Discusses Current Raspberry Market
NAPLES, FL - This just in! Naturipe Farms provided us with an exclusive raspberry market update. The company has been working diligently to make sure retailers and consumers have high-quality raspberries year-round as production ramps up through May with promotable volumes for June.
“Market pricing is currently stronger than it was last year, and we expect prices to remain slightly higher than years prior, as increased grower cost on labor and packaging will need to be offset,” said Fernando Aguiar, Director of Business Development. “However, pricing will still be in a range that is very promotable and affordable to our customers and consumers.”
Fernando relayed that the market has been tight. But as volumes improve, Naturipe expects that the market will steady, which will result in promotional volumes. Plus, Naturipe’s newest consumer favorite, the Centennial variety, is ready to pack out the shelf.
Centennial raspberries are a medium to large size, have a solid firmness, and a beautiful and vibrant color. Since consumers can’t get enough of them, Naturipe has more than doubled its volumes for this summer season. Fernando added that the company is also expecting another big increase in the fall.
“The Centennial variety has been a game changer for us, and we’re thrilled to have even better volumes coming. The Naturipe brand has been the fastest-growing brand of fresh raspberries due to this outstanding variety,” Fernando said. “We’re also especially excited to share that we’re able to continue to expand our year-round production with additional acreage in all our growing areas throughout Central and Baja Mexico.”
Look to Naturipe Farms as a supplier for your year-round raspberry needs!