North Bay Produce and Berries Paradise Discuss Exclusive Grower Partnership; Nick Osmulski and Roberto Sámano Trejo Share
MEXICO - Fresh produce is a sign that all the stars are in alignment. Each and every berry on the shelf is there because of the supply chain relationships that took root along the way, and I’ve found one such alliance between North Bay Produce and its grower partner Berries Paradise.
“The partnership that was formed 13 years ago between North Bay Produce and Berries Paradise allowed both companies to grow tremendously in the berry sector—Berries Paradise from a growing standpoint and North Bay from a sales and marketing standpoint,” says Nick Osmulski, President of North Bay. “The partnership helped North Bay solidify a 52-week supply of blueberries at a time when many berry companies were struggling to do so. Since that time, Berries Paradise has also helped North Bay gain a strong sales presence in the raspberry market through the team’s growing expertise and proprietary varieties.”
Based in Mexico, primarily in Jalisco and with good presence in Michoacán and Sinaloa, Berries Paradise offers a full lineup of offerings. The company grows Adelita raspberries as well as Sultana blackberries. Its blueberry program is more diversified; Biloxi was its first variety that had a good performance, but now new plantations include AtlasBlue, JupiterBlue, Grand Sophia, Madeira Maldiva, and the premium Sekoya varieties.
“We are always looking for the best and newest genetics programs for a better eating experience for our final customers, and at the same time focusing on quality and best production options for our growers,” Roberto Sámano Trejo, Chief Executive Officer of Berries Paradise, tells me. “We take 100 percent care of all the processes—with our own production and third party growers—from genetics, plantation, nutrition, agriculture practices, food safety, and other activities that are focused on the success of each partner’s operation.”
As Roberto explains, one of the company’s top objectives is providing the best service, logistics, and fulfillment of purchase orders on time and with the quantity required. Berries Paradise aims to partner with the best growers, sell the highest quality fruit, and build the strongest confidence possible between all supply chain operators.
Roberto and Nick also tease that the growth and evolution of these two companies will open new opportunities, and together they will keep building a structure that allows them to take on anything.
“With North Bay being a grower-owned cooperative and Berries Paradise being a grower entity, we share a common focus in our business practices and philosophies of always doing what’s best for the grower,” Nick explains. “North Bay doesn’t exist without strong grower partnerships with outstanding industry-leading growers like Berries Paradise. The more successful North Bay can help its grower partners become, the more successful North Bay will be.”
In the widespread constellation that is the fresh berry category, one would be remiss to look past these two trailblazers. The retail aisles await, and North Bay and Berries Paradise have what you need to make your produce aisle sparkle like the North Star.