PMA’s Dr. James Gorny To Fill New Role at FDA

PMA’s Dr. James Gorny To Fill New Role at FDA

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NEWARK, DE - Vice President of Food Safety and Technology at the Produce Marketing Association (PMA) Dr. James Gorny, Ph.D., has announced that he will be stepping down to take up a newly created post with the FDA. He will assume his new role as Senior Science Advisor for Produce Safety on Feb. 5, reporting to Dr. Susan Mayne, Ph.D., Director of the FDA Center for Food Safety and Applied Nutrition in College Park, MD.

Dr. James Gorny, Ph.D., Senior Science Advisor for Produce Safety, FDA“My job is going to be about building bridges,” said Gorny. “Between the states and the FDA, for example, because of the huge role states have in inspecting farms. But also between all parts of the supply chain and the FDA because not only do we have to make sure everyone knows what they need to do, we also have to make sure we arrive at ways of doing those things that are as practical as possible. I’ve heard loud and clear in my role at PMA that produce businesses have a strong desire to get FSMA implementation right.”

The new position will be a return of sorts for Gorny. According to a press release, Gorny was Senior Advisor for the Office of Food Safety at the FDA prior to joining PMA. There he advised staff on policies and programs affecting the safety of fresh produce.

Because of this, the return is cause for both pride and sadness for Dr. Bob Whitaker, Ph.D., PMA’s Chief Science and Technology Officer, who hired Dr. Gorny for the association nearly five years ago.

Bob Whitaker, Chief Science & Technology Officer, PMA“If ever there was a right person for a job, Jim is it,” said Whitaker. “I hate for PMA and the industry to lose him, but I am delighted that he is going to continue the excellent work he did here on an even bigger scale. Jim and I share the belief that food safety isn’t something you add to your business; it is the entire way you do business. I know that is a point of view Jim will carry with him to the FDA. It has served our members well, and now it will serve our country well.”

At the FDA, Dr. Gorny will be developing and coordinating implementation strategies for the Food Safety Modernization Act (FSMA) produce safety standards. His responsibilities will include facilitating, coordinating, and advising FDA senior leadership regarding policies, programs, and high-priority scientific matters affecting the safety of fresh produce.

Helping to turn FSMA’s new produce safety regulations into realities, the company states that his task touches every part of the supply chain, including:

  • Farms
  • Processing plants
  • Distributors
  • Transportation
  • Retailers

As with all new regulations, the Administration stated that the greatest initial need is for regulatory guidance, education, and training to provide for harmonized, effective, and efficient compliance and enforcement.

Congratulations to Dr. Gorny on this newest chapter of his career.


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