Progressive Produce Kicks Off New Organic Table Grapes Program

Progressive Produce Kicks Off New Organic Table Grapes Program

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LOS ANGELES, CA - Progressive Produce’s new organic table grapes program is one step closer to being brought to retail as the company has begun harvesting its first vineyards. These varieties will be added to its Nature’s Bounty Organic brand.

Christine Toy, Sales Manager, Progressive Produce“Progressive’s long-standing reputation as a reliable produce industry partner within the citrus, wet veg, asparagus, and other commodities, made this new opportunity with California table grapes a perfect fit,” stated Christine Toy, Sales Manager. “Our commitment has always been to supply our customers with consistent quality products backed by superior customer service. It is great to have a terrific team providing support as we embark on this new adventure.”

According to a press release, Progressive Produce will be selling a variety of red and green grapes such as the Magenta, Krissy, Scarlet Royal, Allison, and Great Green, Timpson, and Autumn King varieties. Green grapes will be available through October, and red grapes will be available through November.

Product is being offered in 2 lb bags or 2 lb clamshells and can be loaded in either Cutler, California, or Delano, California. Customers also have the option to pick up products at the company’s state-of-the-art facility in La Mirada, California, meaning that customers can consolidate orders with other products.

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Progressive Produce

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