Reports of a Global Kale Shortage Not as Severe as They Seem, Say Growers

Reports of a Global Kale Shortage Not as Severe as They Seem, Say Growers

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UNITED STATES - Despite recent reports of a world-wide kale shortage caused by skyrocketing demand, growers aren't so sure that there is need for alarm. While suppliers who spoke with AndNowUKnow reporters did acknowledge that demand was up considerably compared to last year, all seemed confident that they would not have trouble keeping up.

One grower who spoke with ANUK noted that “kale has definitely been on tear the last two years, but we have never had a problem keeping pace with demand due to increased acreage and the multiple harvests for the plant.”

These statements stand in stark contrast to reports published on ABC News this previous Saturday. ABC quoted Tony Hubbard, an executive from Netherlands based grower Bejo Seeds as saying “You could describe it as embarrassing to us, but it's just one of those things that's happened on a global basis...[the shortage] caught us out well and truly, we put our hands up to that.”

ABC discussed at some length how much demand for this leafy superfood has grown over the years. Brad Gorman, the Director of Cole's Fresh Produce Division, explained that "Kale's growth has been off the charts. It is by far our fastest growing product. Kale's been around for three years and for a product to be growing at this rate after that amount of time I think is almost unprecedented."

On this matter, AndNowUKnow found broad agreement within the industry. But when it came to speculation over shortages in supply, growers expressed skepticism.

“We foresee no issue keeping up with demand in the coming months,” was the almost universal response.

Especially for a crop experiencing as much growth as kale, that kind of confidence is reassuring.