The Retail Applications of Next Generation Mind-Powered Technology

The Retail Applications of Next Generation Mind-Powered Technology

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UNITED STATES - Telekensis and mind reading sound more like something out of the Jetsons than the modern retail market, but some exciting new technologies from companies like Neurosky and Emotiv are already making it a reality, one with some incredible possible retail applications.

MindRDR NeuroSky Google Glass

Tan Le, Emotiv's CEO, showcased what her company's new tech could do in a interview since posted online. Even with the technology in its infancy, you can watch her move a toy car with nothing but her mind.


"I actually imagine a blue cube," she explained when asked about the thought process behind moving this toy car. "I imagine moving this little cube into the distance. That trigger is sent to the car and it drives it forward."

What does a toy car have to do with retail? Instead of a car imagine an employee navigating an unmanned forklift through a warehouse, or a grower plowing their field with a riderless, thought-powered farm plow. Imagine a customer needing assistance reaching something on a high-up shelf and a manager, from the other end of the store, effortlessly assisting them within seconds. Telekenetic-like techology, if advanced to this state, and Tan Le is very confident that this is possible, promises to increase worker safety, boost efficiency, and lead to ever better levels of customer support and satisfaction.

Emotiv isn't the only company on the market for thought-powered tech however. Applications are already being developed for Google's latest rollout, Google Glass, which are able to actually read customer's brainwaves, and assess their level of concentration or interest by analyzing them. MindRDR is one such app that harnesses this kind of tech to allow Google Glass wearers to take pictures with nothing but their thoughts.


Imagine now for a second a Google Glass wearer walking though a supermarket and pausing next to a pumpkin display. It's near Thanksgiving and the pumpkins catch their eye. A retail oriented Google Glass app could hone in on this brain activity and perhaps prompt the wearer with a store promotion for the product they might not know about, or perhaps a personalized savings deal, or even a pumpkin pie recipie that could further incentive a purchase. The possibilities are truly endless.

To learn more about where the industry could be going with these types of technologies be sure to stay tuned to ANUK. We'll keep you updated.