Sun World Announces Expansion of North American Footprint; Garth Swinburn Comments
BAKERSFIELD, CA - Assembling a strong team is vital for growth, and Sun World International knows it. Taking a large step forward, the company announced that it will be expanding its North American footprint by adding Trinity Fruit, Capespan North America, and Jac. Vandenberg to its ring. Bringing these three produce names on board, Sun World looks to continue growing its reach.
“We are pleased to appoint these extraordinary grape importers and stonefruit marketer, to further bolster our presence in the global fruit trade,” said Garth Swinburn, Vice President of Licensing for Sun World. “We’re confident that providing further access to our proprietary fruit varieties will allow our licensed growers to maximize their revenues while increasing consumer exposure to our grapes, stonefruit, and related varietal brands.”
With the addition of Capespan North America and Jac. Vandenberg, Sun World brings its panel of licensed importers to 13 companies, as noted in a release. The two well-known names will join the likes of Dole Food Company, the Oppenheimer Group, Dayka & Hackett, Vanguard Direct, and more. Each of these companies holds a license to distribute and market Sun World’s full line of proprietary grapes in the United States and Canada from licensed Brazilian, Peruvian, and South African suppliers.
Trinity Fruit will join four other California grower-marketers in producing and distributing Sun World’s stonefruit varieties. The company will join the ranks of long-standing Sun World licensees PRIMA® Wawona, Moonlight Companies, Sunwest Fruit Co., and Rivermaid Trading. Together, they will produce and distribute the firm’s peaches, plums, apricots, and nectarines under brands including BLACK DIAMOND® and HONEYCOT®.
The licenses also include the right to utilize the California-based company’s grape varietal brand trademarks including AUTUMNCRISP®, MIDNIGHT BEAUTY®, SABLE SEEDLESS®, ADORA SEEDLESS®, and SCARLOTTA SEEDLESS®.
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Sun World Trinity Fruit Capespan North AmericaJac. Vandenberg