Vivera Brings First 100% Plant-Based Steak to Market
UNITED KINGDOM - It’s a plant-based world, and we’re just livin’ in it. Vivera is proof that consumers are wanting alternatives to carnivore options as it revvs up distribution of its newest item. British-based Tesco is reportedly the first supermarket to sell Vivera's 100 percent plant-based steak alternative starting May 21st in over 400 groceries. Subsequently, several large supermarket chains in The Netherlands will start selling the item in June of 2018, and as of the second half of 2018, Vivera will sell its product throughout Europe, with German, French, and Italian markets leading the way.
Perfect for vegetarians, vegans, flexitarians—shoot, even carnivores since this new item is enjoying some serious hype—all consumers can join in on the fun since the plant-based product uses wheat and soy as just two of its ingredients.
"A large group of vegetarians, vegans, and flexitarians have been very interested in such a product for years. With the breakthrough of its market introduction and large-scale production, a large group of consumers can enjoy this very tasty plant-based product,” Gert Jan Gombert, Commercial Manager of Vivera, said in a recent press release. “The smell, taste and bite can hardly be distinguished from real steak and we are convinced that this product will meet a large need of consumers. It is very important that we eat less meat, both for our own health, animal welfare, and for our planet. Innovative and high-quality plant-based products can make a significant contribution here."
Vivera’s production fits in with the growing demand for healthier and high-quality meat replacements, since interest in sustainable foods that are healthy has risen throughout much of Europe. One of the company’s focuses is to establish a 100 percent plant-based product portfolio by the end of the year, while its current standing includes over 40 different meat alternatives.
How will Vivera’s inclusion into mainstream supermarket trends launch more interest in plant-based meat alternatives in other avenues of culinary exploration? Will this further shape the mealtime landscape as consumers look for healthier ways to eat well? AndNowUKnow will keep you updated with the latest.