Kim Kardashian to be Eating an All Strawberry Diet
BEVERLY HILLS, CA - From the woman who brought you classics like Keeping Up with the Kardashians, the 72-day marriage, and one insightful Twitter comment after another, comes the latest in the Kardashian line of innovations: the strawberry diet. The premise of this diet is actually rather simple: you eat strawberries and nothing but strawberries for breakfast, lunch, and dinner.
Strawberry growers are probably lining up for the right to sponsor Kim's diet, and frankly, who could blame them? Talk about a marketing opportunity!
Kim's 22.3 million Twitter followers won't have to worry about this rigid sounding diet consuming her life. A source that spoke with The Sun told reporters that Kim will be taking a moderate approach to this lifestyle, leaving her plenty of time to focus on her other important responsibilities. The source said that she will still be indulging in healthy cheat meals throughout the week in order to make the change easier on her and her body. Reportedly, champagne dinners will be a fixture of this approach.
Surprisingly, Kim isn't the first celebrity to try this diet. According to the Channel 24 News, Victoria Beckham, the wife of famous soccer star David Beckham, tried out the diet back in 2004.
The wife of one of David Beckham's teammates commented that, "She just eats strawberries and turns away all the great breakfasts and salads everyone else tucks into. Most days she has only one meal and that is strawberries. Sometimes she just sits there drinking mineral water while we all tuck in. It's a bit strange."
Needless to say, that lifestyle didn't last long. We'll just have to wait and see how long Kim will be able to stick it out.
At least strawberries have plenty of Vitamin C so she'll never have to worry about getting scurvy in the mean time. As for me, I think I'll be sticking with my salads.