DJ Forry Beginning Harvest of Two New Pomegranate Varieties

DJ Forry Beginning Harvest of Two New Pomegranate Varieties

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REEDLEY, CA - This week, DJ Forry has begun harvesting two of its new domestic pomegranates: the Red Elite and the proprietary Rubliee varieties. So far, reports out of the fields are incredibly positive.

“We're very excited about our early season pomegranate varieties this year,” Ray England, Vice President of Marketing at DJ Forry tells me. “This is our first year harvesting the Rubilee and Red Elite varieties and volume has been great so far, especially for a first season run. The color on these pomegranates is outstanding. Just looking at them, you're immediately struck by the lush red of both the seeds and the pomegranate's skin.”

Color is a key selling point for pomegranates because it is the first thing that customers notice about the fruit at the retail level.

Color is what the customer first looks at, what draws them in,” Ray explained. “This puts our pomegranates in a great position and we're very confident that they'll be a bit hit with consumers.”

If this first run is a successful one, DJ Forry says it plans on expanding the amount of acreage devoted to these two varieties for next season. While the overall pomegranate market may be slightly down at this time of the year, the strength of DJ Forry's own crop puts them in good standing to make this a reality.

Congratulations DJ Forry on an excellent start to this years harvest! I'll be looking forward to yet another great pomegranate season this year.  

DJ Forry

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