Lotpath Releases New Developer API to Enhance Lotpath Quality Software
FRESNO, CA – Lotpath, a software provider, announced the availability of a Developer API for Lotpath Quality, a fresh produce inspection software app.
Lotpath Quality has a built-in customizable dashboard for viewing inspection data, inspection photos and graphs of numerical quality data. It also lets users share inspection data and photos with trading partners over email.
According to a press release, the Lotpath Quality Developer API will enable secure automatic retrieval of data from a Lotpath Quality account, giving produce companies power and flexibility.
To see the app in action, check out the video below:
“Lotpath works hard to stay at the forefront of software technology. We understand that in an interconnected world produce companies benefit from software vendors’ willingness to build integration points into their software apps. Lotpath lives in the world of software developer APIs and software app mashups,” said Mike Dodson, the Co-Founder and CEO of Lotpath.
Kingston Fresh began using the Lotpath Quality produce inspection software app in late 2013 because of its customizable inspection forms, native Apple iPad app and integration with Famous Software, Kingston Fresh’s accounting and inventory software.
Before using Lotpath Quality, Kingston Fresh filled out inspection worksheets by hand and entered the quality data into a database. With the new software, they are able to use iPads and the Lotpath Inspection app to record product quality data as well as capturing photos to eliminate the handwritten inspection worksheets and date entry steps, according to a press release.
Ryan Cheney, the Director of IT at Kingston Fresh stated, “Lotpath Quality and the Developer API filled our product quality tracking needs perfectly. We saved time and money by not developing the software app internally.”
More information on the app is available at the Apple App Store, and more information on Lotpath Quality is available by clicking here.