Borton Fruit Shares Insight on Apple and Pear Season

Borton Fruit Shares Insight on Apple and Pear Season

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YAKIMA, WA - With the Pacific Northwest anticipating a record apple crop this season, Borton Fruit has launched into the heart of its apple and pear season in Yakima, Washington. The company has started harvesting a good share of its varieties thus far, with the exception of a handful of late maturing varieties. Core apple varieties now being picked include Goldens, Gala, Granny, Reds, Early Fuji, Honeycrsip, Jonagold. 


All pear varieties that Borton carries are also available, with D’Anjou, Red D’Anjou, Bosc/Golden Russet and Bartletts rounding out the current treefruit program.


Eric Borton, VP of International Sales and Marketing, tells me, “We have ramped up our packing production to meet market demand for newly harvested fruit.  Harvest has been very good so far, with great quality and consistent volumes.  Packing timetables are at the will of weather, fruit maturity and picking crew availability but our program is looking to be on schedule for a excellent season.”

The company is slated to market a very good size crop this year with healthy production and outstanding quality across the board. Sizing of the fruit is up for a good share of the varieties as well, and promises to stay that way as long as Borton can maintain an efficient and timely harvesting program. Borton will be picking fruit through November, ending the harvest season with Pink Lady Apples.


Most of the company’s growth in volume this year is coming from replacement of old orchards into high-density plantings that produce higher yields and better quality fruit.

“Many of our newer high density plantings are getting to a mature enough age that they are producing great volumes and outstanding quality. As a company, we have made the commitment to continually upgrade our orchard plantings with the goal of providing the market with the best fruit possible,” Eric notes.

Implementation of high-density orchards with the newest strains of each of Borton’s varieties helps the company achieve these goals.  

On the retail front, the company will be focusing on its NFL Fuel Up to Play 60 merchandising program.  This will be Borton’s 3rd year supporting the program. The program was designed to tackle childhood obesity by engaging youth to take action for their own health by implementing long-term, positive changes for themselves and their schools.

Eric tells me, “The idea is to get kids to take initiative by starting with easy implementation of healthy snacks and foods and 60 minutes a day of exercise.  It’s great timing with the new school year beginning as well as the NFL kicking off and we are excited to be a part of it again.”

“Go Seahawks!”

Stay tuned for more news on 2 new exclusive apple varieties that Borton will be marketing in the coming years.

Borton Fruit

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