Michael Cutler of California Inc. Posts $90,000 Surety Bond to Employ Julisa Nievas-Barajas

Michael Cutler of California Inc. Posts $90,000 Surety Bond to Employ Julisa Nievas-Barajas

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WASHINGTON, D.C. – Under PACA regulations, Michael Cutler of California Inc., operating in Los Angeles, California, has posted a $90,000 surety bond.

The bond has been required to employ Julisa Nievas-Barajas, who was previously named in a PACA action.

According to a press release, Julisa Nievas-Barajas was an Officer of Delta Fresh Fruit Inc., from Vernon, California.  That company was found to have committed repeated and flagrant violations of Section 2 of the PACA.

As part of the regulations, any PACA licensee that wishes to employ individuals who have failed to pay a reparations award or have been subject to a USDA disciplinary action, must post a USDA-approved surety bond. 

The $90,000 bond will be held by the USDA for four years to provide assurance to the industry that the company will pay for produce that it purchases.

In the past three years, USDA resolved approximately 4,600 claims filed under PACA involving more than $87 million. This is just one more way USDA continues to support the fruit and vegetable industry.

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