Naturipe's Marketing Coordinator Jesse Curtis Talks Being Fully Social

Naturipe's Marketing Coordinator Jesse Curtis Talks Being Fully Social

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ANAHEIM, CA - Naturipe’s Marketing Coordinator Jesse Curtis took some time to talk with me about what the company is doing to get more involved with customers through social networking.

“This year is the first year that Naturipe has been fully social,” Curtis tells me, detailing that the company has participated in hashtag followings, blogging, direct communications with others on social media, even Twitter parties.

Curtis handles all the digital communication and social media aspects of the company, and tells me that the company has engaged with many food and mom bloggers with positive results.

“They are creating purchase intent to our customers to help communicate the message of fresh produce and a healthy lifestyle,” Curtis said.

For more information, view the video above!

Naturipe Farms

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At Naturipe®, sustainability is incorporated into every decision we make. It is a priority in all aspects of our company…