TransFresh Vice President of the Pallet Division Rich MacLeod Talks Tectrol
SALINAS, CA - What does Tectrol do to improve the transportation of fresh strawberries? Rich MacLeod, TransFresh Vice President of the Pallet Division, took the time to tell us.
“The University of California at Davis and the University of Florida conducted a series of trials to demonstrate the effectiveness of various pallet bag covers on fresh strawberries,” Rich said. “Those covers that kept and sealed carbon dioxide throughout the transit period performed the best in terms of delivering less decay and more sellable product at the retail level. This is what Tectrol does.”
Not only does this entail sealing and protecting strawberries from the damage of decay while getting them to the store, it also includes careful evaluation of how Tectrol is doing and recording data by trained technicians, and more.
To hear everything Rich had to say about the Tectrol process from start to finish, watch the three minute video above.