SwarmFarm Launches New Robots to Spray Crops

SwarmFarm Launches New Robots to Spray Crops

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QUEENSLAND, AUSTRALIA - A technology five years in the making is looking to render tractors and sprayers useless, while bringing SciFi to the agricultural practice instead.

Founder of SwarmFarm Robotics Andrew Bate is seeking to have a swarm of robots spray over fields like bees in a hive, avoiding collision and adding the next chapter to agricultural cutting-edge technology.

Andrew Bate, Founder, SwarmFarm Robotics (Photo Source: ABC News)"This is industry changing,” Bate said about technology’s role in ag, according to an ABC News report. “We aren't automating stuff, we are creating robotics systems, and it's a whole new playing field that we are moving onto.”

Last week, about 300 people joined Bate and some of SwarmFarm to watch the launch of the robotic sprayers at a farm located in Emerald, Queensland.

"We are doing world-first stuff here," Bate said, adding that the company’s work with robotics has drawn numerous scientists and engineers to the region, bringing with them a different scheme to rural culture.

"It's bringing diversity into rural towns, it's bringing exciting new minds into agriculture," Bate told ABC.

Will SwarmFarm’s robotic colony make it across the oceans to influence our own farms and fields? Keep checking in with AndNowUKnow as we continue to follow new technologies looking to influence our industry.

SwarmFarm Robotics