Limoneira Spokesperson and Healthy Grocery Girl CEO Megan Roosevelt Pushes December Citrus Ideas
SANTA PAULA, CA - The holiday craze is upon us all, supply-side, buy-side, and consumers alike. Limoneira wants to help all of those ends with citrus in the latest, December-focused video of the company’s spokesperson and Healthy Grocery Girl CEO and Founder Megan Roosevelt.
“Because it’s December that means the holidays are here, and I’m so excited to share with you two easy DIY ideas for decorating your home with citrus for the holidays, and also a really easy, delicious beverage to help comfort and nourish your body when the weather gets chilly,” Megan says in the latest in Limoneira video series.
You can watch the full video below, and explore previous ideas Megan has demonstrated on the company’s YouTube channel here.
Amongst the simple but decorative ideas are citrus place cards, a fun touch for any and all holiday parties that any retail department could easily display, and a lovely Orange Citrus Garland that is sure to be both fresh and festive.
The video also goes into the convenient, effective comforts of hot lemon water, explaining that, “Sometimes, simplicity truly is key when the weather turns cold.”
Each versatile item brings either utility or consumption of Limoneria citrus to the forefront as 2016’s days continue to get shorter.
And what’s around the corner for 2017?
According to the company, citrus is one of the healthiest items in the store to help those resolutioners get back on track post-holidays. Not only does Megan have easy tips already available to push citrus sales by reaching those health-conscious consumers, but there is more to come in as we count down to the new year and beyond.