Domex Superfresh Growers Introduces the New Two-Bite Cherries™ Brand

Domex Superfresh Growers Introduces the New Two-Bite Cherries™ Brand

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YAKIMA, WA - When it comes to cherries, Domex Superfresh Growers® is launching a new brand to emphasize that both flavor and size matter. Two-Bite Cherries™, a brand the company is introducing this summer, allows retailers to offer large, specially-branded Two-Bite Dark Sweet and Rainier cherries, according to Director of Marketing Mike Preacher.

Mike Preacher, Director of Marketing and Customer Relations, Domex Superfresh Growers"In July and August, we are expecting a terrific crop of large sized Dark Sweet and Rainier cherries," Preacher stated in a press release. "Customers will be able to share these jumbo cherries at summer picnics, barbeques, and pool parties. For retailers, the sale will be incremental and deliver a higher ring at the register."

Set to roll out in both pouch bags and clamshells to complement retailers' "every day" bag cherry programs, the company added that the launch will come with a complete marketing program to further entice consumers.

Domex Superfresh's Two-Bite Cherry™ Pouch Bag

“Cherries are one of the produce department’s top-dollar items, and we recognize the importance of helping retailers creatively optimize their cherry sales outside of the traditional Fourth of July and Canada Day promotional period,” Preacher said.

Superfresh said that the program is designed to deliver a premium, special cherry offering, incorporating the Two-Bite brand into its popular annual Sweeten Up Your Summer™ sweepstakes, a program that created a successful 20 million impressions last year.

Domex Superfresh's 2 lb Two-Bite™ Rainier Cherries Clamshell

The sweepstakes is meant to up cherry purchases and engage conversation about the season with the social media community throughout the month of July. This includes:

  • Interacting with consumers
  • Encouraging a healthy lifestyle
  • Boosting cherry consumption
  • Giving away a total of $1,750 in gift card prizes

During the past decade, Superfresh Growers stated that it has continually invested in varieties and locations with the objective of creating large, delicious fruit, while extending the cherry season. Find out how the company can further support summer cherry programs by reaching out to Preacher at [email protected].

Domex Superfresh Growers

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Superfresh Growers®

Superfresh Growers® is a 6th generation family owned grower and shipper of both conventional &…