Go Heart-Healthy with West Pak's #IHeartAvos Campaign
MURRIETA, CA – All of us avocado-obsessed finally have an outlet to pour our love for avocados into! West Pak Avocado, Inc., the parent company of I Love Avocados™, announced the I Heart Avos #IHeartAvos online campaign for us avocado-loving to celebrate our fave fruit.
Officially certified as a heart-healthy food by the American Heart Association, as avocados meet strict dietary criteria, West Pak hopes to cultivate heart-healthy awareness with this avo-centric social media-based campaign.
I Heart Avos highlights heart-healthy facts on a dedicated webpage and offers consumers, food bloggers, and the avo-obsessed the opportunity to receive healthy recipes and information, as well as participate in a fun giveaway. From October 18 to November 29, 2017, you can share your healthy avocado recipes (with an avo-themed photo) under the hashtag #IHeartAvos with @ILoveAvos on Instagram for a chance to win.
For more information about the campaign, visit http://www.iloveavos.com/iheartavos.
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