Side Delights® Celebrates Ease of Family Cooking with Recipes and Plethora of Options
SAN FRANCISCO, CA - Have cooking shows taken over family time during your evenings, too? Side Delights® knows it and is tapping into the cooking craze, particularly with shows geared toward child chefs, by offering easy recipes and options that parents and children can enjoy together, while sticking with their healthy choices.
The company’s products offer recipes that might seem easier, but don’t skimp out on taste, such as Baked Tater Tots, Rainbow Potato Pancakes, and Quick and Healthy Baked Pizza Potatoes. These recipes only take 15 minutes to cook up, then boom, dinner with the family is served, and kids feel all-the-more connected with their meals. Buffalo Chicken Potato Skins is also a great option for everyone in the family.
In addition to its easy-to-cook recipes, the company offers Steamables™, Bakeables™, and Flavorables® product lines that are microwaveable to cut back on cooking times and get healthy meals on dinner plates faster.
“Side Delights® offer fresh, wholesome potatoes that parents and kids love. In addition to potassium, potatoes are good sources of vitamins and fiber, all of which help with digestion, the development of the body, and energy,” said Kathleen Triou, President and CEO of Fresh Solutions Network. “The popularity of kids cooking shows is a perfect match for potatoes.”
According to a company press release, Parents magazine listed potatoes as one of “5 super foods” that kids need because of its abundance of potassium. The magazine expounds upon the low amount of potassium that kids’ diets are currently getting, less than 60 percent of the recommended dose, which could be because they are not eating enough fruits and veggies.
Because of the exciting success of child baking and cooking shows, Side Delights products are an easy way for young ones to join in on the cooking experience. For example, Food Network’s Kids Baking Championship and Chopped Junior ranked as the highest rated Monday and Tuesday 8 p.m. slots, respectively—1.5 million children between the ages of 2 and 11 watched the show, and 2 million+ viewers were between 18 and 49, a sweet spot for shoppers, the company notes.
This trend doesn’t stop at the small screen. Parents are now engaging with their kids in new and exciting ways, the company explains, thanks to cooking classes in which kids can dive into the power of food and time spent at home with parents prepping and cooking meals together.
With so many exciting ways to engage with the company’s products, it makes cooking easier than ever for end-consumers in a day-and-age that is always looking for ways to make life smoother than ever before.
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