Execulytics Consulting's Mike Mauti Discusses Canadian Intelligence Services for the Produce Industry
TORONTO, ON - Execulytics Consulting is continuing to meet the needs of international produce suppliers and associations with the new service, Canadian Intelligence. This service combines technical product evaluations with consumer research and retail audits from a regional expert who knows Canadian retail like the back of his hand, Mike Mauti, Managing Partner and Senior Vice President.
“The produce business in Canada is very dynamic and takes a deep understanding of the landscape, both regionally and nationally, to really perform well here,” Mike tells me. “I have spoken with many companies who have found it difficult to find a comprehensive resource that is well-versed in consumer market research, plus technical product evaluations while understanding the lay of the consumer and retail landscapes in Canada.”
Mike brings over two decades of experience navigating the Canadian retail scene as a buyer, merchant, and operator, and he has become incredibly well-versed in these skill sets and so sought to fill a need to benefit all.
Canadian Intelligence services include:
- A comparative product analysis that includes performing a battery of tests comparing the subject product with any number of competitors. Tests include complete visual testing, brix measurement, acid measurement, pressure testing, plus more.
- Consumer panel—Execulytics has a growing consumer panel providing the firm access to hundreds of objective Canadian customers willing to give their feedback through taste tests, surveys, focus groups and shop-alongs.
- Store audits—Execulytics has a vast knowledge of the Canadian retail landscape and is armed with a network of retail experts across the country, delivering store-level intelligence.
- Personalized store tours—tour the retail space and see your product performing live in Canada’s retail environment.
- Market advisory—for strategic planning and execution.
- Project management and delivery—helping to execute its client’s strategy in Canada.
“What this really does is marry consumer and retail intelligence with product intelligence to better inform the supplier’s business model and go-to-market strategies,” Mike says.
Execulytics helps its customers solve a variety of challenges by focusing on objective analytics and good old fashioned, roll-up-your-sleeves execution, as Mike adds, consulting and catering to those in the fresh foods industry.
As competition continues to heat up across the entire international retail landscape, stay tuned to AndNowUKnow for more resources and insights from across the industry.