Wawona Packing Company Highlights Freestone Organic Peaches with Summer Sizzle Promotion
CUTLER, CA - I think of peaches like Bubba thinks about shrimp—there are seemingly infinite opportunities to enjoy the beautiful stonefruit. Wawona Packing Company, one of the largest growers of organic tree fruit in the U.S., shared that its organic yellow peaches are making their way through the seasonal transition from clingstone to freestone peaches as of July 1st. To celebrate the progression of the fruit from clingstone to freestone, the company announced that its peaches will be part of its Summer Sizzle promotion.
"Peach enthusiasts get really excited at this time of the year," CEO Will Feliz said. "Consumers just love freestone Sweet-2-Eat organic peaches. They’re perfect for baking, slicing, grilling, and of course eating right out of your hand. And we have a terrific looking crop. Growing conditions have been ideal for the past few months, with warm days and cool evenings which has helped with color and sizing."
Jumping into July, the company said that its large Sweet-2-Eat organic yellow peaches will be available in promotable volume for retailers. Supplies for Wawona’s organic yellow peaches, which are grown using strict farming protocols like the company’s conventional fruit, are expected to be aplenty all the way through the end of stonefruit season in late October, according to a press release. Right down to every last bite, the peaches offer incredible flavor, eating quality, size, color, and appearance, bringing the company's highest quality fruit to its customers and their end consumers.
"As good as this tree fruit season looks like it’s going to be, our organic freestone yellow peaches are going to be especially abundant," Feliz shared. "The fruit is on target to have an incredible flavor profile. And we’ll be packing freestone Sweet-2-Eat organic yellow peaches with full red blush."
The company is responsible for growing more than peaches—its operation includes organic yellow peaches and nectarines, white peaches and nectarines, black and red plums, and pluots. The diverse program makes up Wawona’s acreage, which includes thousands of acres of farmland in California’s central San Joaquin Valley. Because of its broad range, the company proudly has one of the largest organic tree fruit programs in the U.S. What is unique and striking about Wawona’s offerings is that all of its organic program is available in conventional, as well as conventional apricots.
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