California Table Grape Commission Announces Grapes Make Big Push in Foodservice This Season

California Table Grape Commission Announces Grapes Make Big Push in Foodservice This Season

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FRESNO, CA - When consumers make their way out on the town this season, they will be welcomed with dinner plates donning beautiful California grapes, featured on menus all over the U.S.

The organization has jumped on the opportunity to join in on the menus of Restaurant Associates, a large hospitality company in the U.S. Boosting California grapes' visibility, Restaurant Associates offers food to corporate dining, education facilities, and museums—including the Metropolitan Museum of Art in NYC, as well as the Smithsonian and the Kennedy Center for the Performing Arts in Washington, D.C.—according to a press release.

Through a partnership made by California Table Grape Commission, California grapes will be making an appearance on menus across the U.S.

Available in snack boxes, grab-and-go options, and smoothies, California grapes will show up all over the country in exciting ways, thanks to this partnership. Grape-only snack cups and charcuterie boards with California grapes will be available to consumers, as well as new recipes that showcase various grape applications.

Specifically, Wow Café—a 54-unit fast-casual restaurant chain on university campuses, hospitals, hotels, and airports in the U.S.—will be using California grapes in a signature entrée salad for a limited time from October 1st through mid-November. Wow Café can be found in 25 states and in the nation’s capital.

Ain’t no mountain high enough to keep California grapes from gettin' to you.

California Table Grape Commission

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California Table Grape Commission

Generations of families have been growing grapes in California since 1839. That wealth of knowledge and care has been…