Organic Grower Summit Announces Certified Crop Advisors and Pesticide Crop Advisors Can Earn Credit at Event

Organic Grower Summit Announces Certified Crop Advisors and Pesticide Crop Advisors Can Earn Credit at Event

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MONTEREY, CA - This year’s Organic Grower Summit (OGS), brought to you by Organic Produce Network (OPN) and California Certified Organic Farmers (CCOF), is offering the opportunity to gain training and educational credit through a series of educational sessions for Certified Crop Advisors and Pesticide Crop Advisors. The former will receive CCA CEU training credit for attending four educational sessions during both days of the Summit, which takes place December 12-13 in Monterey, CA. The latter will be able to complete a two-hour PCA training by attending the “Pesticide Laws & Regulations Training” on Thursday of the event.

“We look forward to sharing information on important regulatory updates for the continued success of organic agriculture,” said Juan Hidalgo, Santa Cruz County Agricultural Commissioner.

The second annual Summit aims to gather organic growers, producers, and processors for educational opportunities, informative sessions, and networking events with organic production supply chain and service providers, according to a press release.

Educational sessions that qualify for CCA CEU credits are the following:

  • Scaling Up Healthy Soil Practices (Soil & Water Management CEUs: 1.5)
  • Sustainable Investing in Your Organic Farming Future (Professional Development CEUs: 0.5)
  • Technology is Not Just for Big Ag (Professional Development CEUs: 0.5)
  • Managing Organic Production Systems to Promote Plant Health (Integrated Pest Management CEUs: 0.5)
  • Safeguarding the Organic Brand (Professional Development CEUs: 0.5)

The PCA training, which is offered in partnership with Santa Cruz Agricultural Commissioner’s office, is free and also offers two hours of training credits on Pesticide Laws & Regulations.

This is the PCA agenda:

  • Intro-County Agricultural Commissioner (CAC) staff review of the 2018 season – what CAC inspectors were finding in the field - compliance, non-compliance, areas for attention and improvement (30 minutes)
  • Compliance with Pesticide labeling – complying with CA food and Ag Code 12973 and understanding mandatory vs. advisory labeling statements (30 minutes)
  • Pesticide Use Near School sites – CA Code of Regulations, Title 3, 6690-6692 – review of the state regulation which has been in effect since January 2018 (60 minutes)

Registration is $499 and is all-inclusive—meaning admittance to the opening reception, educational sessions, keynote presentations, breakfast, lunch, and trade show floor. Discounts are available for CCOP members and government and educational members.

 The second annual Summit aims to gather organic growers, producers, and processors for educational opportunities, informative sessions, and networking events

The 2018 CannaBus Tour, which runs from 8 a.m. to 12 p.m. on Wednesday, and the CCOP Foundation Dinner, which begins at 7:30 p.m. on Wednesday, are both additional opportunities for which attendees are able to purchase tickets. To learn more about these opportunities, visit here.

There is also a Meet the Grower opportunity that the event is putting on with a Costco buyer team. During these meetings, certified organic farmer and grower representatives will be able to meet with Costco organic produce, dairy, meat, and wine buyers about their operations and products.

The tradeshow is nearly sold out, the organization relays, so those wanting to nab an exhibitor slot better work fast. Soil amendment, bio-pesticide, seed, packaging, food safety, ag technology, and equipment manufacturers are all exhibiting at the event. There, they will network with field production staff, supply chain managers, pest management advisors, and food safety experts.

To hear about more educational and networking opportunities, check back with us at AndNowUKnow.

Organic Grower Summit

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