Oppy's David Nelley Discusses Premium Apples Driving Sales

Oppy's David Nelley Discusses Premium Apples Driving Sales

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VANCOUVER, BC - There’s no slowing apple season down, and as we continue to head into the heart of it, Oppy is extending a helping hand toward retailers by pointing to four of the highest valued premium apples that are sure to drive sales this winter season. With the best in flavor, crunch, and eating experience, the BC Ambrosia, and Washington-grown JAZZ™, Envy™, and Pacific Rose™ are four of the top 10 best-performing in volume premium varieties that retailers won’t want to miss stocking up on.

David Nelley, Category Vice President for Apples, Pears, Cherries, and Global Exports, Oppy“Premium varieties now represent over a third of all apples on the shelf,” David Nelley, Vice President of Oppy’s Apple, Pear, and Cherry Categories, said. “It’s no secret that consumers are demanding more from the apples they buy. Now our customers have the task of selecting the combination of varieties that most excite their shoppers and contribute to the category. With so many good apples to choose from, we’re pleased to see Ambrosia, JAZZ, Envy, and Pacific Rose allow retailers to be regionally right depending on the flavor profile down to store level.”

Nelley also noted that growing conditions throughout the summer have yielded a crop of high quality and preferred size profile.

“The BC Ambrosia is absolutely stunning this year,” said Nelley. “Growing in volume in BC, Ambrosia rightly holds the number three spot on the premium apple sales performance list. It’s well-established with consumers and offers a color break, with BC Tree Fruits rebranding in 2017 to segregate their superior quality standards over other Ambrosia grown around the province.”

Oppy is bolstering its Ambrosia, JAZZ™, Envy™, and Pacific Rose™ apples to help retailers drive sales

Following Ambrosia is JAZZ, the “always refreshing” apple that began shipping in late October out of Washington. Tangy-sweet JAZZ is sizing larger this year than last, and Oppy is offering greater volumes of organic JAZZ than ever before, according to a press release.

The JAZZ, Pacific Rose, and popular Envy brands are owned by Oppy’s partner T&G Global, based out of Auckland, NZ.

“With the Washington crop showing awesome color, this is the first time we’ve been able to offer Envy™ over a 12-month supply window,” Nelley continued. “Growing by 24 percent in category sales contribution in the last year, we continue to be very excited by Envy™. Naturally non-browning, bright red and sweet, Envy’s wide appeal makes it the best apple to originate out of NZ since the Royal Gala when I started out in this business."

Oppy's summer growing conditions have yielded a crop of high quality and preferred size profile

Looking to keep consumers with a preference for delicate, sweet flavors satisfied this winter? Nelley points to the Pacific Rose, which has fulfilled an important niche with older shoppers with higher household incomes, ethnic retailers, and in the stores of mainstream chains that serve Asian and Hispanic neighborhoods.

“Pacific Rose has long enjoyed popularity with customers in Asia,” Nelly concluded. “We’ve also built the market for it domestically in recent years and have collaborated with T&G to develop a new brand and brand positioning for the apple which we believe will enhance its appeal in North America when it launches in December. Most of the Pacific Rose we offer is produced by the Crane Family Orchards in Brewster, Washington, whose perfect growing conditions and commitment make its quality exceptional.”

What are you waiting for? There are apples to be enjoyed! To keep up with fresh fruit and veg, keep reading AndNowUKnow.


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