Trinity Fresh to Declare Bankruptcy

Trinity Fresh to Declare Bankruptcy

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SACRAMENTO, CA - The produce distributor Trinity Fresh is being sued by three suppliers for nonpayment of over $1.1 million, and has stated that it will declare bankruptcy by the end of 2018.

Greengate Fresh LLP filed a lawsuit against the company in the U.S. District Court of Sacramento claiming it is owed $540,980. The company claims it sold product to the distributor, but were never paid.

Trinity Fresh posted on its website on Dec. 4 that it will be completely ceasing all produce-related operations and filing for bankruptcy by the end of this month

Both Freshpoint Denver Inc. and Ruby Robinson Co. LLC are also suing Trinity Fresh for nonpayment. Freshpoint claims to be owed $345,488, and Ruby claims it is owed $264,132 by the distributor, according to the Sacramento Business Journal (SBJ).

The total of the lawsuits claims comes to a staggering $1.15 million. With this number, it is not surprising that Trinity Fresh posted on its website on December 4 that it will be completely ceasing all produce-related operations and filing for bankruptcy protection by the end of this month.

Paul Abess, CEO, Trinity FreshSince the suits were filed, Trinity Fresh has not returned calls and has recently taken down the company website. According to the SBJ’s records, CEO Paul Abess posted this quote on the website before it was disabled:

“We will be filing for bankruptcy at the end of December 2018. Please accept our humblest apologies for any inconvenience. Thank you for your patronage over these many years.”

AndNowUKnow will continue to report on the progressions of the lawsuits above.