Frieda’s Specialty Produce Helps Shoppers Dine in this Valentine’s Day
LOS ALAMITOS, CA - It’s that time of the year when love is on the brain (*Rihanna voice), and those of us in produce are once again undertaking the process of transforming fruit and veg into a dessert destination for all of shoppers’ lovey dovey needs. One way Frieda’s Specialty Produce is accomplishing the task is by encouraging shoppers to go big by dining in and splurging on Frieda’s crêpe line and a whole heckuva lot of produce.
“Here at Frieda’s, we are hearing a lot about consumers tightening their belts, like eating in more and dining out less,” said Director of Marketing Cindy Karas Sherman. “But staying in does not mean having the same old boring meal when it comes to Valentine’s Day. You can still have some fun with it and make a dessert that wows like Berry Champagne Crêpes or Chocolate Almond Mousse Crêpes with Strawberries.”
To get retailers to get in on the action, Frieda’s is sending an instant display unit to the front lines. The crêpe display holds four 12/5 oz. cases of the shelf-stable, ready-to-eat French-Style crêpes and features a bright, fun design that is sure to attract impulse shoppers and those looking for some last-minute love-spiration. Frieda’s also offers single cases of ready-to-eat crêpes packed 12 packages per case.
Frieda’s recommends retailers place their crêpe display by the berry patch and merchandise the surrounding space with whipped cream, chocolate, sauce, and glaze, according to a press release.
For more tips, tricks, and hacks on pushing produce to the front of Valentine’s Day fare, stay tuned to AndNowUKnow.