National Mango Board Elects New Officers for 2019

National Mango Board Elects New Officers for 2019

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ORLANDO, FL - The National Mango Board (NMB) announced its newly elected officers during its March board meeting in Antigua, Guatemala. By leading the board in accordance with the Commodity Promotion, Research, and Information Act of 1996, as well as, the Mango Order, the NMB officers will fulfill their duties and responsibilities.

Manuel Michel, Executive Director, National Mango Board“I want to acknowledge the new NMB officers elected to represent this organization and the appointed members who serve the mango industry,” said Manuel Michel, Executive Director of the NMB. “Over the years, the NMB has become a trailblazer when it comes to the initiatives it generates, the partnerships that are formed, and the collaboration that happens at all levels of the mango industry. A key driving force in all this comes from the leadership the NMB has in place.”

According to a press release, Michael Warren of Pompano Beach, FL, will serve as Chair for a second term, and Jiovani Guevara of Phoenix, AZ, as Vice-Chair. Serving as Secretary for a second term is Marsela McGrane of Los Angeles, CA, and elected as Treasurer for a second term is Chris Ciruli of Tucson, AZ.

Pictured above from left to right are the 2019 National Mango Board Officers: Jiovani Guevara, Vice-Chair;  Michael Warren, Chair; Marsela McGrane, Secretary; and Chris Ciruli, Treasurer

By bringing the industry together and educating consumers about the flavor, nutrition, and health of mangos, the NMB officers, together with the rest of the board members, will continue to uphold the NMB’s mission to increase consumption of fresh mangos in the U.S.

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National Mango Board

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National Mango Board

The board’s mission is to increase awareness and consumption of fresh mangos in the U.S. The NMB works toward this…