­­­NatureFresh Farms Puts Sustainability in the Spotlight with Forward-Thinking Compostable Tray

­­­NatureFresh Farms Puts Sustainability in the Spotlight with Forward-Thinking Compostable Tray

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LEAMINGTON, ON, CANADA - We at AndNowUKnow will never get tired of hearing what industry mover and shakers are doing to promote sustainability. Since NatureFresh Farms introduced its compostable Mini Cucumber trays to its customers, it has focused its waste reduction efforts on “leaving less and leading more,” teaming up with local manufacturer Pulp Molded Products (PMP) to make sustainability central to all of its packaging processes.

Luci Faas, Product Development Specialist, NatureFresh™ Farms“This has been a project that I’ve had a lot of interest in developing and has been on my mind for a while,” stated Luci Faas, Product Development Specialist. “NatureFresh has given me the opportunity to really pursue this innovative packaging design and have supported the effort to introduce greener alternatives into their packaging. Working with PMP has helped us achieve our goals of becoming more sustainable.”

Since June 2018, NatureFresh has distributed 6 million compostable molded fiber trays within the marketplace. Interest from retailers helped fuel the growth for this product, a press release noted, given that it provides them with an alternative to polystyrene foam trays. Due to this, the company has saved 67,200 pounds of Styrofoam trays from entering landfills—which equals to roughly 12 truckloads.

Since NatureFresh Farms introduced its compostable Mini Cucumber trays to its customers, it has focused its waste reduction efforts on “leaving less and leading more”

The compostable tray is made from 100 percent post-industrial paper waste, which is then ground up and mixed with water for a pulp-based material. During biodegradation, no toxic or hazardous waste materials are expelled into the environment.

Frank Neufeld, Sales Manager, NatureFresh™ Farms“Seeing the actual numbers from the past year gives us a greater awareness of the considerable difference we are making to the environment by being more sustainable in our packaging,” said Frank Neufeld, Sales Manager. “We are inspired by the positive effect one company can have—but think about the kind of impact we could have collectively if plastic-free packaging were to become an industry standard.”

By recognizing the extent to which products in the produce industry have contributed to the escalating plastic and pollution crisis, the greenhouse grower decided that it needed to take significant steps toward reducing its impact on the environment. Given these positive results, it hopes to inspire even greater change within the industry.

As it looks to the horizon, NatureFresh Farms is committed to expanding the compostable tray program.

A huge shoutout to NatureFresh Farms for tackling such an important issue! AndNowUKnow salutes all who support industry-changing initiatives.

NatureFresh Farms

Companies in this Story

Nature Fresh Farms

Nature Fresh Farms began as a “build & sell” project in 1999. As a greenhouse designer, manufacturer, and builder,…