Fresh Farms Names Scott Rossi Director of Sales and Marketing

Fresh Farms Names Scott Rossi Director of Sales and Marketing

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RIO RICO, AZ - The end of the year may be approaching, but the opening of a new chapter is beginning for Fresh Farms and its newest team member. The company recently appointed Scott Rossi to the position of Director of Sales and Marketing.

“We look forward to Scott’s leadership in taking us to the next level," Juan Pablo Molina, General Manager, tells us. "The Fresh Farms team is excited for the road ahead and the contributions Scott will bring to the table."

Fresh Farms is excited to have an industry veteran join its team in the way of Scott Rossi

According to a statement released by Fresh Farms—a DBA of MJ International Marketing—Rossi will lead and develop the sales and marketing strategy of the company as it continues to expand its Mexican grape and vegetable programs. He will also be instrumental in developing Fresh Farms’ California grape and specialty fruit programs.

Scott Rossi, Director of Sales and Marketing, Fresh FarmsThroughout his time in the industry, Rossi has proven himself time and time again to be a leader within this space. After beginning his career in Minneapolis, Minnesota, with Castle & Cook and Dole, he continued to gain Executive Sales experience with Four Star Sales and Pandol Bros.

Congratulations to Scott on this new role!

Fresh Farms

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Fresh Farms

Fresh Farms is dedicated to the commercialization and distribution of fresh fruits and veg, present in Mexico and in the…