Cesar Pacheco of Giumarra Nogales Talks Current Watermelon Outlook

Cesar Pacheco of Giumarra Nogales Talks Current Watermelon Outlook

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NOGALES, AZ - Early spring weather brings with it early demand for the products consumers crave when exposed to the warm sun. Nothing brings that heat to your produce department like the watermelon, and Cesar Pacheco, Sales Manager for Giumarra Nogales, tells me that the stars are aligned for peak demand come April.

Cesar Pacheco, Sales Manager, Nogales, The Giumarra Companies“Our season will begin right on time around March 15,” Cesar shares. “Watermelon is a very promoteable item during the months of April, May, and June. This is due to the product volumes available combined with warmer weather, which leads to increased consumer interest around the category.”

It seems the market is lined up to be a bit tight initially, whetting consumer palates as volume begins to bounce back from some weather challenges seen in Sonora, Mexico, in previous weeks.

The Giumarra Companies' watermelon season will begin mid-March and will continue through June

“Watermelon volume in general coming out of the state of Sonora, Mexico, is about 30 percent lower than last year due to weather and other supply factors. This is a desirable item, particularly during spring and summer weather, so we will probably see that reflected in the market as things warm up,” he forecasted.

It looks like volume will likely boost after those premier weeks, giving retailers the opportunity to explore the many fun ways Cesar tells me there are of promoting watermelon to consumers.

Although the market looks tight initially, supply and demand will pick up as the weather warms

As we keep an eye on the horizon and an ear to the ground, keep following AndNowUKnow for all the latest.

Giumarra Companies

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