Jasmine Vineyards' Jon Zaninovich Appointed to Chairman of the Board for the California Table Grape Commission
DELANO, CA - Jon P. Zaninovich, Jasmine Vineyards' celebrated President, is adding another prestigious position to his role roster. In addition to manning the helm of Jasmine Vineyards, Jon will also be taking on the Chairman of the Board position for the California Table Grape Commission, effective April 23, 2020.
"This is a historic moment for us all," Jon shared. "We are in the middle of a pandemic at the start of our growing season, and I couldn't be more honored to step into this position and serve my fellow growers—both down in the Coachella Valley and here in the San Joaquin Valley."
Working alongside the commission’s President, Kathleen Nave, Jon hopes to share enhanced safety measures and best practices among growers, such as those outlined in Jasmine Vineyards' Business Continuity Plan in response to the COVID-19 pandemic.
"This is really front and center for us right now. Consumers want to know their produce is safe, that the people in the fields are safe and healthy, and that there is a steady supply of fresh fruits and vegetables grown here in the U.S.," Jon added. "With 99 percent of commercially-grown table grapes produced right here in California, we have a special responsibility to address those concerns preemptively."
Beyond supporting consumer education and employee safety initiatives, Jon will facilitate regular board meetings for the California Table Grape Commission. Among the Board's many activities include the expansion of its community outreach programs, like teacher education grants and educational scholarships, and promoting the health benefits of California table grapes with celebrated chefs and nutrition experts.
Former Chairman Jim Beagle (Grapery) is finishing up his two-year term now, with Jon succeeding him at the end of April. Prior to being named the new Chairman, Jon was appointed to the California Table Grape Commission’s executive committee and served under Jim as Vice Chairman.
As I was chatting with Jon, I asked if he also had any insight on the upcoming table grape season.
“We are excited to kick off an incredible California grape season,” Jon responded. “We've had plenty of good rain here in recent months, and the fields are blooming right now."
Jasmine Vineyards will continue to supply the world with its signature "Grown in California" grapes, known for their vibrant colors and flavorful berries, while pushing the boundaries of progressive farming practices and zero-waste packaging.
Congratulations to Jon on his new role with the California Table Grape Commission! We here at AndNowUKnow look forward to the ways in which Jon will continue to lead the table grape category, now and in the future.