T&G Global Reports Envy™ Apples on Track to Become $1 Billion Brand Alongside New Hot Climate Apple
NEW ZEALAND - T&G Global has smoking hot news to deliver, as its Envy™ apple brand is on track toward generating one billion dollars of sales revenue. The company has also commercially released a new apple from its Hot Climate Program, which is already receiving high praise.
“In the premium apple category there are many new and established varieties, however Envy continues to be a standout performer,” commented CEO Gareth Edgecombe. “This year, it delivered returns on average of (NZD) $45 (US $31) per TCE (tray carton equivalents) to our growers—that’s very close to what we targeted before COVID-19, which is a great return when we know many varieties have had low returns this year. The strength of the brand and its orcharding qualities means growers have the potential to make over 15 percent return on their investment, once their orchard is at full maturity.”
In 2020, 1.9 million TCEs of New Zealand-grown Envy apples were sold, a 23 percent increase on the previous year across the USA, China, and Asia. According to a press release, this is part of a wider Envy sales program of five million TCEs per annum, grown in both hemispheres. With this strong momentum, T&G predicts that by 2025 Envy will be a billion-dollar brand.
“This season’s sales reinforce the global demand we’re seeing for the brand. As a result of Envy selling out early in the season, our sales team had to scramble to move product around to keep our retail programs going for as long as possible," expressed Edgecombe. "This positioned us well for a strong start to our northern hemisphere growing season, with these apples beginning to arrive in-market last month. Globally, there’s incredible appetite for Envy. Independent research has forecast that we need at least another 25 million TCEs by 2030 to meet potential consumer demand, especially in China, Vietnam, Thailand, and the USA. Recent planting will soon produce another 10 million TCEs per annum, and we’re investing in market development programs and further supply growth to make the most of the brand’s significant long-term potential."
Edgecombe added that, “Envy is one of the real success stories in New Zealand’s horticultural sector—it harnesses incredible Kiwi IP and delivers strong returns to our growers, communities and shareholders. In the 12 years since we first released Envy to Kiwi growers, it’s now grown under license in 13 countries, sold to consumers in over 60 countries, and in 2019 was voted the number one apple for taste, appearance, and texture by consumers in the USA.”
The apple being released from the Hot Climate Program is known as ‘HOT84A1’ and features an attractive, rich red color with excellent texture and a sweet taste. Growers have also discovered that the apple performs equally as well in temperate climates as it does in hot climates.
“This is an exciting find and proves that this apple is well suited to many different geographies,” said Gary Wellwood, Global Variety Development Manager. “It opens up further opportunities for growers in both the Northern and Southern hemispheres and provides an opportunity for year-round supply.”
Wellwood continued to explain that the variety blooms in mid-April with harvest timing in late September to early October. This places ‘HOT84A1’ in market approximately two weeks earlier than Fuji.
“Our European representative is organizing tasting events in Spain, Italy, France, and other locations. If we can’t get the people to the fruit, we will organize to get the fruit to the people!” Wellwood remarked.
Jeremy Linsell, Worldwide Fruit UK, Technical Development Manager, added that ‘HOT84A1’ has performed well in testing in the United Kingdom. In its second year as strategic commercialization partner for the Hot Climate Program, T&G Global has made good progress with the first variety under license.
‘HOT84A1’ is being planted in commercial volumes in Catalonia, Spain. Fruit Futur, partners in the Hot Climate Program, have committed to a planting program over the next six years in an effort to provide consumers with fruit of great color and exceptional flavor and texture.
Interest in the variety has been strong. ‘HOT84A1’ trees are being circulated globally, and in 2021 T&G Global, together with its material services provider, Dalival, will begin planting further test blocks throughout Europe. Planting of test trees for evaluation in Australia, the USA and South Africa are expected within a few years.
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