Healthy Family Project Shares 2020 Impact, New Retailers, and Outlook for 2021
ORLANDO, FL - To see our industry’s leaders working in harmony for the greater good is a thing of beauty. Healthy Family Project is always working toward a charitable cause, closing out 2020 by raising $210,780 through cause marketing programs. This catapulted the organization past a milestone of $7 million raised. In addition to this exciting news, Healthy Family Project added two new grocery partners, Gelson’s Markets and Coborn’s, to the 2021 cause marketing campaign efforts, joining long-standing partners Publix Super Markets and Associated Wholesale Grocers Springfield Division among others.
“2020 was a year of growth at Healthy Family Project, as we transitioned our brand and made changes in our overall strategy to pivot with consumer behavior. We were faced with adversity, like many businesses, and were compelled to look at new ways of reaching families and promoting our partners,” said Trish James, Vice President of Healthy Family Project. “I’m eager to watch this growth continue on into 2021 as we strengthen and focus these tactics to reach today’s family.”
Organizations benefiting from funds raised include Feeding America®, United Fresh Start Foundation, and Our Military Kids. In addition to total funds raised, other 2020 successes include reaching more than 20 million families with healthy lifestyle resources through website, social media, and alternate communications; executing 20 live online cooking classes; in-store signage in 3,160 grocery stores across the U.S.; and the Healthy Family Project podcast.
Produce for Kids’ in-store cause marketing program met the challenges of 2020 by including a plethora of digital marketing support to reach those at home and innovative signage that offered a quick and easy way to access campaign information in store. Live cooking classes associated with Produce for Kids retail campaigns were successful with more than 140,000 views and will continue in 2021, according to a press release.
In addition to welcoming Gelson’s Markets and Coborn’s, the organization is welcoming back second-year grocers Lowes Food Stores, Merchants Distributors, and Rouses Markets. Building on these partnerships, Healthy Family Project’s Mission for Nutrition will take place in March during National Nutrition Month with more than 450 retail dietitians and a consumer promotion featuring several produce brands.
“While 2020 presented its share of challenges for all, pausing and listening to what families needed in real time and delivering on those needs has built a substantial foundation moving Healthy Family Project into 2021,” continued James.
Food Rx’s popularity also continues to grow as consumers look to foods that combat and fight disease with new episodes slated to cover gut health, seasonal allergies, inflammation, and more. Sponsored episodes including February's Heart-Healthy Foods featuring National Watermelon Promotion Board will also be added to the mix.
In 2021, Healthy Family Project will continue to execute and expand upon digital partnerships to highlight partner brands and products through social media promotions; e-newsletter marketing; recipe development; and photography, videos, blog content, and more to its network of more than 400,000 families and parents. The Power Your Lunchbox program will evolve in its 8th year, and funds raised in 2021 will go to United Fresh Start Foundation to support the access of fruits and vegetables in schools.
For more ways that our industry is advocating for fresh food in 2021, keep clicking back to AndNowUKnow.