HMC Farms' Chelsea McClarty Ketelsen Shares What Buyers Should Expect at Organic Produce Summit
KINGSBURG, CA - In my three years in the industry, I’ve yet to witness the glory that is the Organic Produce Summit—but that’s about to change. As we prepare for the top-tier event, I tapped Chelsea McClarty Ketelsen, Vice President of HMC Farms, to learn more about what the team is bringing to the organic sector.
“While we have been growing organic tree fruit for a fair amount of time, this will be HMC Farms’s first year with a booth at the Organic Produce Summit. We’re a locally owned, family-run company that has been growing tree fruit in the heart of the Central Valley since 1887,” Chelsea remarks, clueing me in to the things that make HMC Farms stand out. “We plan on showcasing our peach, nectarine, and plum organic programs as well as our commitment and investment in new varieties, our brand new, state-of-the-art pack line, and a facility focused on organics specifically.”
With so many good things to highlight, I ask Chelsea what the key messaging of the show will be.
“HMC Farms is interested in learning more about what companies are looking for in an organic program and how we can help be a part of that solution,” she imparts. “We’re focused on sustainability. In addition to growing organically, we utilize solar to power our ranches and facilities. We have soil preservation processes in place; we minimize water usage by converting our irrigation to drip; and we monitor soil moisture through probes.”
As HMC Farms continues to grow, the company recognizes the value in shows like Organic Produce Summit as a place to facilitate conversations and generate innovation.
“One thing we are acutely aware of is how important packaging options, especially sustainable packaging options, are in today’s world,” Chelsea notes. “We are working diligently on including these options in our product offerings.”
Be sure to drop by booth #220 to learn more about these offerings for yourself.