The Produce Moms' Lori Taylor Addresses FedEx Opco Group and Featured in ForbesWomen
INDIANAPOLIS, IN - Fresh produce is what we do and what we believe in. That sentiment is not one to be forgotten as Lori Taylor, Founder and Chief Executive Officer, The Produce Moms® (TPM), continues to promote the messages and missions of the produce industry.
TPM’s reach continues to extend beyond traditional consumer communities and into various sectors and industries outside of our own. This month, Taylor was a featured guest speaker to FedEx employees and the subject of a feature story in ForbesWomen, both business-to-business audiences.
“I was intrigued by the variety of questions the FedEx managers had about our industry and how they see it impacting their own industry,” stated Taylor. "It is encouraging to know that other industries are looking to the produce industry for answers about issues such as sustainability, supply chain, consumption patterns of consumers, and the advancement of women.”
Taylor was the guest speaker for FedEx’s First Friday online speaker series on November 5, 2021. According to the release, First Friday is a “grassroots, cross-operating company (cross-opco) group of women and men at FedEx providing mentorship, networking, a platform to share ideas, and overall personal development for women at FedEx.” FedEx cross-opco employees from around the nation participated in the online session.
At the event, participants posed questions to Taylor about the produce industry ranging from sustainability to the role women play in agriculture to the perishable food consumption behavior of consumers.
The tour doesn’t stop there, as Taylor continued her sojourn through a written piece by ForbesWomen journalist Dr. Cheryl Robinson. Earlier this year Taylor was recognized in the inaugural class of the Forbes Next 1000, and Taylor can be found in the November 18 publication of a ForbesWomen feature, here.
In this feature story, Taylor discussed her entrepreneurial journey, the impact data of TPM such as the global reach of her social media platforms and traditional media outlets including her successful podcast, as well as her emerging co-branding efforts which appear in retail produce displays nationwide. For Taylor, the “Business as a Force for Good” ethos of TPM is a highlight of the story.
“My relationship with Forbes continues to develop and as it does, I am thrilled that this opportunity allows me to bring the importance of fresh produce and the produce industry to the forefront of the business community,” Taylor commented on the feature.
With the fresh produce industry continuing to expand and grow, stick around as we witness the advancements and leaders stepping forth.