Naturipe Farms Kicks Off Fifth Annual FeBLUEary Campaign; CarrieAnn Arias Shares
SALINAS, CA - Blueberries are staking their claim to the whole month of February as Naturipe rolls out its FeBLUEary campaign for the fifth consecutive year. Turning the spotlight to the highly favored category, the campaign highlights the first peak of imported blueberries for the 2022 season.
“The month of February is a great time for retailers to kick off fresh berry promotions,” said CarrieAnn Arias, Vice President of Marketing at Naturipe. “We have a variety of activations for our FeBLUEary program that are effective in helping retailers boost sales on a variety of blueberry pack sizes.”
Naturipe will have a bounty of berries available this month, bringing retailers a series of fresh promotion opportunities to kick off the season. Steady volumes and larger pack sizes throughout the month of February create chances for dazzling produce displays and berry promotions, as explained in a release, especially as consumers prioritize health and boosting their immune systems.
The annual FeBLUEary program began in 2017 to celebrate Naturipe’s first peak of imported blueberries for the year. Last year, the campaign underwent a shift, adapting to the way consumers were buying their groceries by bringing the campaign to their favorite online grocery shopping platforms.
While the exciting promotion celebrates organic blueberries reaching high volumes in February, Naturipe’s organic and conventional berries are available year-round.
With 24 days left of FeBLUEary, there’s plenty of time to inspire shoppers to up their blueberry purchases.