Fresh Solutions Network's Side Delights® Suggests Secondary Displays for Easter and Mother's Day; Kathleen Triou Shares
NEWPORT BEACH, CA - Easter and Mother’s Day are two of the biggest spring eating occasions, bringing ample opportunities in the fresh produce aisle. As retailers ramp up for the promotional events, Fresh Solutions Network is wielding its Side Delights® brand to provide secondary display suggestions in the potato category.
“Easter and Mother’s Day are perfect holidays to celebrate with food and family, such as a BBQ and backyard Easter egg hunt, Mother’s Day brunch, or a festive, family-style dinner,” said Kathleen Triou, President and Chief Executive Officer. “With eye-catching displays and a full assortment of potatoes, Side Delights can help shoppers select their holiday menu items while increasing in-store sales. Retailers can further increase the basket ring by pairing potatoes with complementary secondary displays this spring holiday season.”
Pulling from several recipes within its portfolio, Side Delights suggests pairing potatoes with items such as eggs, meat, and herbs.
According to data from the National Retail Federation, in 2020 and 2021, studies showed that consumers spent record numbers on food shopping in preparation for the Easter holiday, exceeding $6.48 billion and $6.32 billion, respectively. Additional studies showed that 83 percent of Americans plan to celebrate Mother’s Day in 2022.
An Idaho Potato Commission study confirmed that secondary displays positively impact potato category sales, a press release noted. Stores with secondary potato displays showed a 22 percent sales increase compared to stores with no secondary display and showed an average category growth of 2.5 percent.
Looking to boost potato sales for these exciting holidays? Take a page from the Side Delights playbook and you may be in luck.