Fox Packaging's Victoria Lopez Discusses State of the Industry
MCALLEN, TX - The state of the industry is always a hot topic, even more so across state borders. Victoria Lopez, Marketing Manager for Fox Packaging, and I found ourselves in this very discussion recently, observing the changes both at play and on the horizon.
“It’s important for an organization to decide its positioning so that they can make the necessary changes to be firm advocates,” Victoria shares as we discuss supply chain issues regarding meeting plastic policies while wrapped up in inflated prices for materials and shipping costs.
Everyone has felt the pressure and is rolling with each day’s challenges while still working to anticipate known obstacles of the future.
“My desk is covered with these,” Victoria shows me a clamshell as an example. As she does so, she points to a label saying the pack in her hand is biodegradable. “It may be, but not by the definition the consumer is looking for. And that’s why it’s important to educate consumers and customers about what these terms mean.”
We acknowledge it is easier said than done. It’s not practical to assume each consumer will be an ambassador of a closed-loop system, or that they will be proactive in inquiring about sustainable packaging terms and cycles. But the avenues are becoming more realistic to traverse. QR codes, I share as an example, have reemerged in popularity and advanced in technology, making for a quick and convenient way to share the information we can’t always pack into the shopping experience.
“QR codes have been interesting, they fell off for a while but are definitely back. And we can use them for more than the convenience factor but to share the honesty of our brands,” Victoria points out. “What steps are needed to complete the journey to recyclable, reusable, or at-home compostable? Even if the information is not what the consumer wanted or expected, it is recommended to communicate the ‘why’ as clearly and honestly as possible.”
As both an industry observer and consumer, I can speak to how loyalty is gained from the truth, even if it isn’t the ‘right’ answer—a practice Fox Packaging has made a long and successful career of.
“While we are always working and improving, there are tradeoffs to each solution,” Victoria shares of the packaging industry, and Fox’s practices in particular. “The important thing is that our customers choose which of those pros outweigh the cons and better serve their goals. Recycling and sustainability can require a sacrifice or investment in product protection, strength, or shelf stability. Ultimately, our active focus should be on diverting materials and food waste from landfills—a great concern in our industry. And, with rising food insecurity in North America, this is another side of the conversation industry members and consumers need to be aware of.”
Oftentimes, I find purveyors of fresh produce, from growers and shippers to packers and retailers, have many of the same beliefs and values. Yet, depending on where you live, you are likely facing a host of varying challenges and possibilities. Victoria, for example, offered not just a Texas-based perspective, but versatility in interests and how they can be applied to what her company does for fresh produce. From pop culture and current events to industry education resources, there was little we didn’t apply to how to approach industry issues today.
These are the conversations that we need to engage in and encourage. So, I invite you all to ring us up, and let’s talk.