Ganaz Reveals Launch of Ganaz MasterCard® Payroll Card; Hannah Freeman and Sherri Burris Comment

Ganaz Reveals Launch of Ganaz MasterCard® Payroll Card; Hannah Freeman and Sherri Burris Comment

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SEATTLE, WA - As rising costs throughout the supply chain cause logistical challenges for food suppliers, Ganaz has announced a new launch set to help providers optimize costs. With its Ganaz MasterCard® Payroll Card, the company is reducing payroll expenses for the agriculture and food processing industries.

Hannah Freeman, Co-Founder and Chief Executive Officer, Ganaz“Given how slim margins can be for growers and how hard it is to attract and retain labor in agriculture, keeping that wealth in the pockets of growers and workers is critical,” said Hannah Freeman, Co-Founder and Chief Executive Officer at Ganaz.

The launch of the Ganaz MasterCard Payroll Card allows employers and workers in the food industry to move to digital payments, as agriculture and food processing are some of the last industries to move away from paying associates with paper checks, according to a press release. By allowing employers to mitigate the costs of paper checks, Ganaz has already provided its customers with a vital benefit.

Ganaz is helping the ag industry reduce the costs of paper checks by rolling out its MasterCard® Payroll Card

Employees also benefit from the Ganaz MasterCard Payroll Card, as there are multiple ways to access cash without incurring fees, financial education content, and user-friendly access to card balance and transactions via text message and WhatsApp, the release noted. Cardholders can also access Ganaz's multilingual in-house customer service. In addition, they will soon be able to send money abroad directly from their Ganaz MasterCard Payroll Card account.

The launch of the Ganaz MasterCard Payroll Card allows employers and workers in the food industry to move to digital payments, providing its customers with a vital benefit

Above The Dirt, an apple, cherry, and pear supplier in Washington, is one of the companies that recently committed to switching its employees from their current paycard to the Ganaz MasterCard Payroll Card. With this transition, Above The Dirt is able to do 100 percent digital enrollment and activation, which saves valuable time when enrolling both H-2A’s and domestic workers.

Sherri Burris, HR Compliance Manager, Above The Dirt“Ganaz is with us every step of the way,” commented Sherri Burris, the HR Compliance Manager for Above The Dirt, on the benefits of making the switch. “I feel a lot better going this route instead of wrestling with our past paycard provider.”

ANUK will continue to report on the ways companies are minimizing operational costs to bring more benefits to the supply-side, so keep an eye out for our next update.


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