Fruit World Reports Stonefruit Season Update; CJ Buxman, Bianca Kaprielian, Cindy Richter, and Nikiko Masumoto Comment

Fruit World Reports Stonefruit Season Update; CJ Buxman, Bianca Kaprielian, Cindy Richter, and Nikiko Masumoto Comment

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REEDLEY, CA - Now that we are over halfway through May, Fruit World is well into its 2022 stonefruit season, which kicked off mid-April. Supplies of organic apricots and cherries are readily available, and the supplier recently reported on packaging, volume, and more.

Bianca Kaprielian, Co-Founder and Chief Executive Officer, Fruit World"We have found many of the consumers who are seeking premium fruit, especially organic varieties, are also seeking out more sustainable packaging options," reveals Bianca Kaprielian, Fruit World Co-Founder and Chief Executive Officer, noting how Fruit World continues to expand its use of cardboard punnet clamshells.

As the season progresses, Fruit World has leveraged its vast grower partnerships to drive growth and success.

"We are fortunate to have formed long-term relationships with several growers who share our values, dedication to farming, and approach to business," Kaprielian said. "Blossom Hill's apricots and Masumoto Family Farm's peaches and nectarines allow us to provide more varieties, higher volumes, and longer seasons of top-notch fruit. They are seamless brand extensions, and fully integrated into the Fruit World family."

Fruit World kicked off its 2022 stonefruit season in mid-April, with supplies of organic apricots and cherries now readily available

CJ Buxman reported on how recent weather events have impacted volumes for this season.

CJ Buxman, Co-Founder, Fruit World"The March freeze tempered early stonefruit production volumes throughout California, especially compared to the banner year we had in 2021," explained Buxman, Fruit World Co-Founder. "Fortunately, the fruit that set is looking good, and all our ranches are yielding great product."

Specifically in the cherry category, severe weather events this spring impacted California's crops substantially, according to a press release.

Cindy Richter, Director of Sales, Fruit World"We have been extremely fortunate that our organic cherries from the Patterson area were eleven days earlier than last year and had exceptional quality and a larger peak size. We will finish shipping our cherries by the end of next week with Corals, Brooks, and Tulares," said Fruit World Director of Sales, Cindy Richter.

Nikiko Masumoto, fourth-generation farmer and artist who works with Fruit World, commented on how the farming community works in tandem with the company to bring exceptional fruit to market.

Nikiko Masumoto, Fourth-generation Farmer and Artist, Masumoto Family Farm"No farmer works alone. We depend on partners like organisms in the living soil, good neighbors, talented farmworkers, to name a few," said Masumoto. "Fruit World is one of our loyal partners. We get to focus on what we do best in the fields, and Fruit World helps us find a home for our fruit. We couldn't do it without them!"

For more news surrounding this year's stonefruit season, you know where to find us.

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