Find the ANUK Apple Logo on the Cover of the May 2022, Snack Magazine for a Chance to Win $100

Find the ANUK Apple Logo on the Cover of the May 2022, Snack Magazine for a Chance to Win $100

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NORTH AMERICA - If you haven’t already gotten the memo, the month of May is for mothers, as deemed by the latest issue of The Snack Magazine. Our intricate cover design contains a secret as well, for we have once again hidden the ANUK apple logo in the spirit of our friendly competition.

Can you find our elusive ANUK apple logo on the cover of our May issue of The Snack Magazine?

If you haven’t already, take a closer look at this month’s colorful cover and try your best to track down our hidden logo. While some prefer a physical copy, you can also access the cover digitally by visiting our website here. Get searching, friends!

Once you’ve tracked down the logo, take a smiling selfie of yourself pointing to the apple logo and send it over to [email protected] with the subject line “FOUND the Apple Logo” and you will be considered in the running for our $100 cash prize.

The AndNowUKnow apple logo you are looking for!

The contest only begins once we have made this official announcement on ANUK. Those who play to win must meet the following requirements:

  • Your FOUND the Apple Logo photo must include your face
  • Your finger must be pointing to the AndNowUKnow apple logo​​
  • You must write "FOUND the Apple Logo" in the subject line of your email

Those who come out on top will join the leaderboard, which includes:

  • Danny Ortiz of Sysco (reigning buy-side champion)
  • Beth Keeton of Elephant House PR (reigning supply-side champion)
  • Manny Bracamonte of Green Life Farms
  • Mike Specht of Nature Fresh Farms
  • Dani Loustalot of Jacobs Farm del Cabo
  • Joseph Parziale of Bozzuto’s

To subscribe to The Snack, valued at $129 per year, please click here. We hope the stories that await you in our 67th issue offer some inspiration as you continue to champion fruits and vegetables each and every day.

Good luck to all who participate!

The Snack Magazine

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The Snack Magazine is a leading publication for the fresh produce industry, featuring in-depth interviews, product…