Execulytics Consulting's Mike Mauti Discusses Pear Market
TORONTO, CANADA - Have you ever been in a situation where you were expecting both apples and pears and only got apples? It’s happened to me twice, once quite recently and once a long time ago.
The first incident, a long time ago…in a produce office far, far away…I asked a buyer for an update on the apple and pear category. I received a comprehensive detailing of the various sizes, varieties, and growing regions for apples. The update continued with information on organic availability and cost versus conventional and finished off with a medium-term forecast complete with opportunities to generate incremental sales. I was, to say the least, impressed. And we were just warming up, or so I thought. When I asked, “What about pears?” I was given just a one-word reply: “Stable.”
What brought this distant memory to mind was something that happened recently. My family and I were having a bit of a get-together, and at the eleventh hour, someone invited a family that was on the periphery of our friend group. I remembered that their two kids loved apples and pears, and since I was knee-deep in party preparations, I asked my daughter to run to the grocery store and purchase a collection of our recently invited guests’ favorite fruits. Like the buyer’s update many years ago, I received a wide selection of different varieties of apples but when I asked, “What about pears?” I was given just a one-word reply: “Forgot.”
Pears deserve more than this and to demonstrate that they are not just apple’s sidekick, Produce Moneyball will give pears the respect they deserve.
Those in the know will understand that a quick glance at pear volume will confirm any respect given to pears is well deserved. As seen in the accompanying graph, pears reach a seasonal high around week 40, perfect timing for the Canadian Thanksgiving on October 10.
Last year, FOB costs continued to decline during this period even once volumes peaked and stabilized. This year Produce Moneyball predicts very similar FOB costs hovering in the low $30s and stabilizing once volumes peak. Keep checking Produce Moneyball for details on all top dogs and their sidekicks, of which pears are not one.
Mike Mauti, Managing Partner, Execulytics Consulting
Leading the Execulytics team, Mike brings more than 20 years of experience as a leader in the fresh foods industry. Over this time, Mike has gained expertise in retail operations, procurement, and merchandising. Specific skills around grocery retailing, particularly in produce buying and selling, make Mike a valuable partner for suppliers and independent retailers alike.