Fresh Farms’ Jean Patrice Honorat Comments on High Watermelon Market Prices
RIO RICO, AZ - Whether topped with salt, Tajín, or enjoyed plain, watermelon brings consumers together who share the mutual love of sweet, juicy goodness. And with the holiday season coming around the bend, having a nutritious fruit platter brings an element of health to any festive gathering. As shoppers put together their holiday checklists, Jean Patrice Honorat, Fresh Farms’ Senior Sales Manager, Melon Division, tells me that the market is expected to rise in this lucrative category.
“We are expecting market prices to be higher than the previous year,” Jean tells me. “Demand for watermelons seems to be reasonably good. Overall, our crops are looking good with very little to no incidence of diseases.”
The grower saw severe weather conditions throughout the state of Sonora, Mexico, which affected production timelines, initially pushing harvest to mid-October. Now, with the uncertainty of the weather, the estimated harvest time will be at the end of October, projected for October 22, starting with low volumes and a good percentage of larger-size watermelons.
“It appears that some growers in Hermosillo, Sonora, may have planted less acreage this year, but it is not certain at this time if industry volumes will be less than last year for this fall. It is too soon to forecast,” continues Jean. “During the season, suppliers will proceed with caution due to the uncertainty of the weather. We anticipate having fewer promotional volumes available.”
PRO*ACT’s October 5 The Source noted supplies out of California continue to stay light as well with Mexico’s volume improving, showing good quality and steady pricing.
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