Allen Lund Company's Kenny Lund and Nora Trueblood Discuss First-Ever Besties Award
LA CAÑADA FLINTRIDGE, CA - One thing that will never stop inspiring me about our industry is its dedication to uplifting the communities it serves day after day. As if helping to bring a vital source of fruits and vegetables to market is not already an impressive feat, there are some companies that continuously go above and beyond to be a pillar in their communities. This is what made Allen Lund Company (ALC) the perfect fit for our first-ever Besties Award for Best Philanthropic Initiatives.
“From the company’s founding, Allen Lund taught all those who would come to work at ALC that it is critical to be grateful for our opportunities and the blessing of hard work, and to share success with others in need,” shared Kenny Lund, Executive Vice President. “In his final address to the company's leaders, he requested that we continue our Acts of Kindness initiative to give back to the communities in which we operate. Winning this award indicates that we are continuing to honor his legacy. This recognition means so much to all the employees who have worked to assist others in need and to share our blessings.”
From raising funds for notable charities to helping bring groceries to food-insecure families during the holiday season, ALC takes every opportunity within its reach to maintain this legacy and continue giving back to those in need.
“Sometimes the smallest gesture can turn into a much larger cause,” explained Nora Trueblood, Marketing and Communications Director. “For years, ALC and its employees participated in the annual local Relay for Life to raise funds for the American Cancer Society. One year turned to two, and after many years, ALC had raised well over $100,000 and given countless man-hours to the cause.”
ALC also takes pride in its participation in Navidad en el Barrio, through which it has helped provide trucks to deliver food supplies to various agencies in Southern California. Each year, volunteers from ALC man various locations and fill bags with groceries to gift to families in need during the Christmas holiday.
Allen Lund Company plans to continue with its philanthropy as it is a very important part of the company culture and there will always be the need.
“We have learned over time that the ALC family performs at a higher rate when there is purpose in our work,” Kenny adds. “For example, Allen taught that when we ship loads of fresh produce, we are feeding America—not just moving a product. If we can provide for our families and give meaningful help to our communities, we operate as a family, we manage stress better, and we enjoy our work life more. This is how we attract and keep the best employees in the industry. It is a vital part of our culture and makes us who we are as a company.”
Congratulations to ALC on this inaugural achievement! Stay tuned for more exclusive insights on our first-ever Besties Awards.