Tom Lange Family of Companies' Becky Wilson and Greg Reinauer Discuss 31st Annual Charity Classic Golf Outing
ST. LOUIS, MO - Few things lift our spirits like seeing fresh produce forces use their power for good. The Tom Lange Family of Companies’ Charitable Foundation recently hosted its 31st annual Charity Classic golf outing on May 19 and 20, hosted by the company’s Dallas, Texas, office.
“The annual golf tournament provides an opportunity for associates from Tom Lange, Seven Seas, Lange Logistics, and industry partners to enjoy a weekend of camaraderie,” explained Becky Wilson, Vice President of Operations, shortly after the event. “Many associates do not have any other time when they see one another, and the annual golf tournament provides that opportunity while providing a benefit to the children’s charities in the community.”
Grower-shippers, transportation operators, customers, current and retired employees, and members of key trade organizations were invited to attend this year’s golf outing. Roughly 150–200 people were in attendance for the successful event.
“Since its inception, it has been a tradition that the annual golf tournament be held in a different location each year and benefit children’s organizations in the surrounding area. This year, the Charity Golf Classic was held at the Cowboys Golf Club in Dallas and benefitted Vincent de Paul Rockwall County and Children’s Advocacy Center for Rockwall County,” said Greg Reinauer, President and Chief Executive Officer. “Being a ‘family’ doesn’t just stop with our Family of Companies—we strive to reach further into the communities in which we live and work.”
The initial golf outing was hosted in 1990. Since then, the Tom Lange Charitable Foundation has focused on supporting children’s charities throughout the United States and Canada. The primary goal of the event was to focus on children and help them pursue healthier, happier lives. By moving the golf tournament to a different location each year, Tom Lange is able to expand the reach of this initiative and help as many children as possible. Since the event first kicked off, the produce titan has raised just under $2 million.
“Through the years, our supplier partner and transportation provider participation has increased. However, the largest testament to the success and important role the charity golf tournament plays in the Tom Lange Family of Companies is that, as new generations of salespeople and staff have joined the company, they have embraced the importance of this event,” reflected Becky.
“We want to extend a thank you to the Tom Lange Dallas office and, specifically, Tim Rose for hosting,” added Greg.
Three cheers for Tom Lange Family of Companies and its impactful efforts to support communities in need!
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