The Produce Industry Podcast Hits 1M Downloads; Patrick Kelly, Michael Chavez, and John E. Paap Comment
TAMPA, FL - The Produce Industry Podcast recently hit a new milestone of 1 million downloads, publishing 300 episodes in three years.
Founder and host of The Produce Industry Podcast Patrick Kelly commented in the release, “rarely am I lost for words, however, 1 million downloads worldwide has left me humbled and speechless.”
The podcast was founded by Kelly in 2020. Its complementary The Produce Industry Show on YouTube, Fresh From the Field Fridays featuring host Dan Avakian, and the recently added Wednesday program with Juanita Gaglio engage more than 22,000 listeners weekly.
“Patrick’s entrepreneurial drive has set the podcast apart from all other content channels across our industry,” shared Michael Chavez, Director of Golden Star Citrus and founding member of The Produce Industry Podcast. “Patrick doesn’t rest. He’s always creating new ways to engage companies across the supply chain, building a community of like-minded, passionate produce advocates.”
The podcast and its strong foundation of sponsors deliver content daily through its app, Apple Podcast and Spotify, LinkedIn, and YouTube.
As noted in the release, sponsors of the podcast gain value from the content they develop in partnership with Kelly and from the community reach he created across the supply chain.“The Produce Industry Podcast offers not only an avenue of exposure via their podcast episodes but also through sowing a rich community of fresh produce industry experts, specialists, and enthusiasts that help move our industry into a new era of innovation and visibility,” said John E. Paap, Brand and Product Marketing Manager of Jac. Vandenberg and a regular guest sharing produce industry and commodity-specific history through the platform. “This is where the fresh produce industry in the 21st century needs to be, and this is the platform where it’s happening.”
To read more words of praise, check out the release here. Check out our previous feature here for more insights on the umbrella of advocacy.
Congrats on the milestone, and here’s to many more.